Top 10k strings from General Statistics (1983)(WH Smith).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 ;"                        ";
   2 '" 1 HHH + 3 HHT + 3 HTT + 1 TTT."
   2     - an explanation"
   1 yy=(ff+rb*q)*fa+26
   1 y$="1/(sz*2.506)*
   1 y  valuesI
   1 xf=xf*(x-y):
   1 v=(a(j)-g)*ra+25
   1 the value found (x),
   1 the value expected (y),"'"   
   1 the binomial probabilities:
   1 ss=ss+a(j)^2
   1 sf=sf+b(j)
   1 s=s+a(j)*b(j)
   1 s9=s9+dx*dx
   1 s8=s8+dx*b(k)
   1 s7=s7+dx*dy
   1 s1=s1+a(j)
   1 regression
   1 of getting at least 1 six are   
   1 ntf=ntf*(nt-x-w):
   1 nf=nf*(nt-z):
   1 nearly 1 in 2
   1 ne*s0*s2=0
   1 ff=my-mx*rb
   1 f=(b(j)-lf)*fa+27
   1 eg 10 in this case."
   1 dy=b(k)-my
   1 dx=a(k)-mx
   1 d(j)=p^(nt-j+1
   1 correlation 
   1 chi=chi+(a(j)-b(j))*(a(j)-b(j))/b(j)
   1 cc=cc+c(x+1
   1 c(j)=c(j)*d(j)
   1 b(j)=c(j):
   1 b$="y  values"
   1 and"''" - 
   1 add in appropriate details
   1 ^-mp)*(mp^x)/xf
   1 Scatter diagram"'"    
   1 Poisson distribution
   1 PART 3    YU
   1 PART 2    
   1 Inspect normal curve
   1 Graph data
   1 Correlation and regression
   1 Chi-squared
   1 Binomial distribution
   1 ;z$;" Entry ";j;"; enter y value"
   1 ;z$;" Entry ";j;"; enter x value"
   1 ;g;"       x values"
   1 ;"weight increases"
   1 ;"published chi tables."'
   1 ;"not strongly supported."
   1 ;"mpg decreases"
   1 ;"experimental values";
   1 ;"as speed increases,";
   1 ;"as height increases,";
   1 ;"and chi>6, the theory is";
   1 ;"____________"
   1 ;"________"
   1 ;"_______"
   1 ;"_ _     _ _     _ _";
   1 ;"_  +  _  +  _  +  _  =  1";
   1 ;"_     _     _     _"'" 8     8     8     8" 
   1 ;"_     + _     + _  = 1"'"     4       2       4"
   1 ;"With 15 or fewer";
   1 ;"T";j;"=";
   1 ;"Std dev= ";sd
   1 ;"Std dev = ";sz
   1 ;"Sorry - maximum of 25 permitted":
   1 ;"Select mode from 1 to 11 and    press ENTER."
   1 ;"Relationship";
   1 ;"Regression equation is:"
   1 ;"R value";
   1 ;"Press: C-calculate probability; M-more throws; P-plot binomial  dist'n"+("; other letter-continue"
   1 ;"Press: C - correlation value;   any other letter - new mode."
   1 ;"Press: C - compare with normal; any other letter - change mode"
   1 ;"Press: C - compare with normal;        any other letter- results"
   1 ;"Press: C - chi-squared test;    any other letter - new mode."
   1 ;"Press: C - calculation;         any other letter - new mode."
   1 ;"Press: A - another normal curve;any other letter - new mode."
   1 ;"Press any letter to continue."
   1 ;"Press S for sound;"'" any other letter for silence!"
   1 ;"Please refer to";
   1 ;"No interaction";
   1 ;"Mean= ";mn
   1 ;"Mean = ";nm
   1 ;"Inverse but partial";
   1 ;"Inverse and full"
   1 ;"How many entries? "
   1 ;"GRAPH DATA "
   1 ;"Examples";
   1 ;"Error; not in your stated range"
   1 ;"Error - whole number required.":
   1 ;"Error - whole number required. ":
   1 ;"Error - Positive value required":
   1 ;"Enter smallest value of x":
   1 ;"Do you want sound?"
   1 ;"Direct but partial"
   1 ;"Direct and full";
   1 ;"Corr. coeff. R = ";(
   1 ;"Computer calculating!"
   1 ;"Chi = ";chi
   1 ;"= 1-125";
   1 ;"8     8     8     8"
   1 ;"6"'''" ie,
   1 ;"2 2     2 2     2 2"
   1 ;"1     3     3     1";
   1 ;"0       x values"
   1 ;"...Height/weight:";
   1 ;"...Car speed/mpg:";
   1 ;" to appear about one-sixth of    the total number of throws."
   1 ;" Number of events must be        positive; please re-enter.":
   1 ;" Error - probability required    between 0 and 1":
   1 ;" 2  xy"''
   1 ;"   1*1*1 + 2*1*1 + 1*1*1";
   1 ;"    _      _   _   _  _      _"'"    6      6   6   6  6      6"
   1 ;"     1       1       1";
   1 ;"          SELECT MODE           "
   1 1^-((x-nm)*(x-nm)/(2*sz*sz))C
   1 1^-((x-nm)*(x-nm)/(2*sz*sz))"
   1 1/(sz*2.506)*
   1 /(ne*s0*s2)+.5
   1 /(h-g))*100
   1 /(h+(s$="S")-g)
   1 ,tc;"Term ";x+1
   1 *q + 3*p*q
   1 *5+3*1*(5)
   1 )=nf/(xf*ntf):
   1 );"=";nf/(xf*ntf)
   1 (v0/sf)+.5
   1 (v0/sf)*100
   1 (sd/mn*nm*100
   1 (b(k)-my)^2
   1 (a(k)-s/sf)
   1 (a(k)-mx)^2
   1 ((s/sf)*100
   1 ((mn-g)*(10
   1 '''" Two techniques used as aids     in deciding whether a"'" relationship exists between"'" two different variable"'" samples are:"
   1 ''" b stands for the binomial"'" coefficients which depend on n."
   1 ''" The program can run in silence."
   1 ''" The likely outcome of tossing   a coin several times can be     calculated algebraically."
   1 ''" The correlation coefficient 
   1 ''" The chances of throwing 5 sixes in 5 throws are given by the    formula:"'
   1 ''" The Poisson probability for     ";x;" events is:"
   1 ''" So, in 3 throws, the chances    
   1 ''" R varies in value between"'" 1 and -1."
   1 ''" Press: S - single values"''"        C - classed data" 
   1 ''" Please refer to published"'" statistical tables for the"'" significance of the result."
   1 ''" For both, 4 (1+2+1) outcomes    are possible."
   1 ''" Comparing these two, you can    see parallels:"'
   1 ''"    Welcome to this program."
   1 ''"     1 HH     1 x
   1 ''"     (x+y)
   1 '" the computer will calculate     the chi-squared value for       this data."
   1 '" q is the probability of         ""failure"" (eg not getting"'" a head)"
   1 '" p is the probability of         ""success"" (eg getting a head)"
   1 '" p = 1 * (1)
   1 '" ie, the result is:"'
   1 '" Variance:";
   1 '" Tossing a coin twice has four   possible results:"
   1 '" This is the equation of the"'" straight line which, when"'" drawn through the data in a     scatter diagram, approximates   best to the general pattern of  change of the variables."
   1 '" This gives:"'
   1 '" The sum of the probabilities    of these results is 1, ie:"
   1 '" The probability of getting HHH  is 1 in 8; that of HHT, 3 in 8."
   1 '" The general formula where the   number of ""throws"" is 3 is:"
   1 '" The chances of getting at"'" least 1 six in 3 throws are     given by the calculation:" 
   1 '" The chance of throwing a six    is 1 in 6 (p=1/6)."
   1 '" The chance of not throwing a    six, q, is 1-p, ie q=5/6."
   1 '" Suppose you throw a ""true"" die  a large number of times.  You   would expect each value (eg 6)"
   1 '" Sum of squares:";
   1 '" Sum of deviations:";
   1 '" Standard deviation:";
   1 '" So the probability of getting   3 sixes in 3 throws (n=3) is:"
   1 '" So in 60 throws you should get  10 sixes, 10 ones and so on."
   1 '" Sample variance:";
   1 '" Sample std. dev.:";
   1 '" Repeating this process yields   the same parallels:";
   1 '" PROBABILITY is an estimate of   the number of times a specific  result is likely to occur."
   1 '" Number of items:";
   1 '" Mean:";
   1 '" Incidentally, q = 1-p."
   1 '" If you toss it twice, the"'" results possible are:";
   1 '" If you toss a coin once, the    chance of a head is 1 in 2,     and that of a tail 1 in 2."
   1 '" If you toss a coin 3 times, the result is 1 of 8 possible"'" combinations:";
   1 '" If you square the 2-term"'" (BI-nomial) expression (x+y)"'" you get:"
   1 '" If you input these pairs of     values, ie:"
   1 '" If you give H and T the value   1/2 each and treat the above    line as an equation, you get:"
   1 '" If the number of throws is 3,   the probabilities are:"
   1 '" How many throws (trials)?":
   1 '" Here p and q have replaced H    and T."
   1 '" For n chance events, the"'" general formula for the"'" binomial probability of any     combination of results is:"
   1 '" For each possible result, you   will have:"
   1 '" Error - largest must be bigger  than smallest!":
   1 '" Enter trial mean ";
   1 '" Enter smallest value of y":
   1 '" Enter number of events ";
   1 '" Enter largest value of y":
   1 '" Enter largest value of x":
   1 '" Do you want the computer to"'" carry out a correlation and     regression calculation for"'" you?"
   1 '" As an example of the formula,   suppose you throw a die." 
   1 '" 1  +  3  +  3  +  1  =  1";
   1 '" - x, the value found"''" - y, the value expected,"
   1 '" - ring when input is required"''" - buzz if you make a mistake"''" - beep each key depression."
   1 '"    4         8           16"'"     possible combinations"
   1 '"    2         3       4 times"
   1 '"    1 HH    + 2 HT    + 1 TT."
   1 '"     1 HH (both heads)"'"     2 HT (one head, one tail)"'"     1 TT (both tails)"
   1 '"          
   1 "''"     2 HT     2 xy"''"     1 TT     1 y
   1 " However, the computer can:"
   1 " Enter probability p"
   1  ROBIN ALLOTT, 1983"
   1  1 in 7776
   1  - an explanation"'"  
   1  + 2xy + y
   1  + ... + 1*q
   1   eg 8"''" - 
   1    is a measure of how far one     variable interacts with"'" another."
   1     - calculation"'"    
   1     - calculation"'" 
   1     - calculation"
   1                                 B